Thursday, June 4, 2015


An official statement from the Central Office says: “No Church building or house of worship of the Iglesia Ni Cristo (Church of Christ) is for sale.”

INC detractors reported these past few days that the House of Worship of the Locale of Humble in Texas, U.S.A. is for sale. An official statement from the Central Office said THIS IS NOT TRUE. Because of the purchased of a large property in Corpus Christi, also in Texas, which include a church and an office building larger than in Humble, Texas, the Church Administration decided to transfer the District Office of Southern Midwest from Humble to Corpus Christi. Thus, the INC Central Office also decided to sell the OFFICE BUILDING in Humble, Texas because it will no longer house the Southern Midwest District Office or the Church has no longer use for it. Yes, ONLY THE OFFICE BUILDING IS FOR SALE AND THE CHURCH BUILDING IS NOT INCLUDED.

Is it an “anomaly” to sell properties the Church has no longer use for it? According to the by-laws of the Church of Christ, as a corporation sole, the Church Administration has the authority to manage Church’s properties including the purchase of properties, it’s allocation, and to sell properties the Church has no longer use for (like the Office Building in Humble, Texas). This is what the law states:

“Section 154. For the administration of the temporalities of any religious denomination, society, or church, and the management of the estates and properties thereof, it shall be lawful for the bishop, chief priest, or presiding elder of any such religious denomination, society, or church to become a corporation sole unless inconsistent with the rules, regulations, or discipline of his religious denomination, society, or church or forbidden by competent authority thereof.”

“Section 164. Such corporations shall have the right to purchase, hold, mortgage, or sell real estate for its church, charitable, benevolent, or educational purposes by and with the consent of a majority of its membership.” [2]

Thus, it is lawful (valid and legitimate) that the Church Administration as corporation sole “to purchase, hold, mortgage, or sell real state for its church, charitable, benevolent, or educational purposes…” But, why sell a House of Worship dedicated to God in 2013? THIS IS A MISINFORMATION, A MALICIOUS REPORT.  The Church Administration has no plan and will never sell a House of Worship. Why sell one if one of the main objectives of the Church as a religious organization is the construction of Houses of Worship? The Church as of this date is on the process of acquiring thirteen properties to be used as places of worship in different countries including the United States of America. So, why sell one?

The Locale of Humble, Texas still exists as of this date:

  See this link:

 and the brethren in Humble still conduct their regular worship services and religious activities in the House of Worship located in 19400 Nehoc Lane, Humble, Texas:

See this link:

The Locale of Humble will continue using their House of Worship in 19400 Nehoc Lane, Humble, Texas, as long as it continues to be an appropriate place for worship. When a member from the Locale of Humble was asked about this issue, she said: “Our church building is not for sale, but only the office building. We still held our worship service here. That news is not true.”

Thus, it is clear that only the office building which is for sale, and the church building is not included. The inclusion of the pictures of the exterior and interior of the church building is a  “mistake” on the part of the realty agency. THE CHURCH ADMINISTRATION HAS NO PLAN OF SELLING AND WILL NEVER SELL A HOUSE OF WORSHIP.

So, next time you see a report saying the Church is selling a church building or a house of worship, don’t immediately believe those “reports.” KNOW FIRST THE TRUTH!

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